Fletcher Students in the Field: From Honolulu to the Capitol

Six Fletcher students reflect on the experience they gained in their summer internships
A composite image featuring all six Fletcher students' headshots in front of an orange backdrop.

Every summer, Fletcher students find internships in the public and private sectors, during which they get invaluable experience to help them focus their studies and advance in their careers. 

At the close of this summer season, Fletcher caught up with five students and a recent graduate about their research interests, career aspirations, and what they learned from these opportunities. 

Nayan Seth poses for a photo in front of a tree.

Nayan Seth F24 – The Wilson Center

Master in Global Affairs (MGA) - Comparative and Regional Studies

"While I have been a journalist for a long time, I am working to broaden my horizons and find future career opportunities in the think tank space. I’ve worked as a journalist for more than 15 years in India and China, and this internship was the first time I was working full-time at a leading think tank in the United States. The internship gave me insight into the functioning of a think tank and the skills required to succeed there.

"I worked on multiple grant proposals, including one project for the U.S. Department of State. It taught me multiple skills and provided the much-needed exposure that will be extremely valuable in my professional career. My job at the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum also allowed me to continue my research on the diversification of critical minerals supply chains that I began as a first-year Fletcher student. I managed to pursue my interests and diversify my publication portfolio at the same time." 

Carina Richeson smiles for a picture outside of a building on Fletcher's campus.

Carina Ritcheson F25 – U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) - International Security, Comparative and Regional Studies

"I knew I wanted experience in the Department of Defense before I came to Honolulu. This internship and being part of this team have taught me lessons that I could not have studied. I have been able to talk to senior leaders about my capstone project and topics that I had previously written about. Having access to the circles that manage deterrence and conflict versus writing about it in the classroom has further clarified my understanding of the topics.

"Working in the highest priority theater for the U.S. has not only solidified my interest in the region, but increased the urgency I feel to be part of the policy that dictates the future of the region and world. Seeing how a combatant command works within the DOD but also with the interagency will help me understand how to be the most efficient from the Washington, D.C. side of policy.

"I now have tangible experience in a large and complicated organization. I was given a lot of responsibility and learned valuable lessons in peer leadership, team management, policy writing, coordination with senior level officers, and subject area expertise. The leeway I was given to achieve my tasks allowed me to incorporate academic thinking from Fletcher into defense products. I now feel even more prepared to enter the DOD post-Fletcher."

Sophie Hu smiles in front of a blue background.

Sophie Hu F25 – Intralink 

Master of International Business: Quantitative Methods (MIB:QM) - Strategic Management and Consulting for Global Impact; Global Governance and International Organizations

"My internship with Intralink this summer has assisted me in gaining in-depth industrial knowledge. Working on research projects for companies in renewable energy and carbon removal has equipped me with a thorough knowledge of these rapidly evolving sectors and has been a fantastic opportunity as it positions me at the forefront of sustainable innovation.

"I’ve also enhanced my ability to develop long-term strategies that align with the company’s goals, ensuring that the business development efforts are focused and effective.

"The professional relationship-building experience has also been transformative. I’m honored to collaborate with industry leaders and have not only expanded my network but also gained essential and lasting mentorship."

A group photo featuring Paolo Caglioti during his internship with the U.S. Department of State

Paolo Caglioti, F25 – Africa Bureau, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State

MALD – Comparative and Regional Studies, International Legal Studies

"As a Pickering Fellow, my immediate future is committed to the U.S. Department of State; I’ll work as a foreign service officer for at least five years.

"This summer in the AFPDPA, I helped build a strategy for public diplomacy engagement in Africa. I sifted through old cables and identified throughlines to structure a strategy for the whole bureau. One of my favorite things that I got to do was help moderate an exchange group with social media influencers from Africa. They came to meet with social media folks from the State Department, and I moderated that discussion, introduced speakers, and structured the Q and A.

"Having completed this internship, I’ve realized that I need the vocabulary that Fletcher can offer in the broader international system. I need the nuts and bolts of how the international system works and how decisions are made–that's the world I'm stepping into." 

Elena Latzen smiles for a picture in front of a white background.

Elena Latzen F24 – Forward Horizon Group

MALD - International Business, Technology and International Affairs

"When I first got to Fletcher, I was sure I wanted to work in the public sector. However, my time in the classroom helped me realize that I was really interested in the intersection of public and private, particularly how private companies help provide solutions to global issues. 

"Forward Horizon Group  was founded last summer by three of my good friends from Fletcher. I ran into one of them out in Boston a few months ago, and he told me they had already hired a few interns for the summer. I jumped at the opportunity and texted him the next morning to say I’d love to get on board if they’d have me. It turned out that he had already floated the idea to the rest of the leadership team. 

"My summer internship is more than just preparation for my future career. I have loved the opportunity to work on incredible projects and put my Fletcher education to use. More importantly, I have loved the opportunity to help respected Fletcher friends build a business that has real-world impact by helping build democracy, resilience, and humanitarian support in contested environments around the world."

Natasha Frazier and Secretary Deb Haaland pose for a picture.

Natasha Frazier F25 – United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

MALD – International Development and Environmental Policy, Comparative and Regional Studies

"It has been really gratifying, through several of my classes at Fletcher, to bring tribal nations into my studies. We’re an international relations school, but tribes in the U.S. have a nation-to-nation relationship with the U.S. government, and tribes hold a particular legal status within the U.S. that recognizes their inherent sovereignty.

"It’s been an absolute honor to witness tribal leaders representing and advocating for their nations before Congress. I am also deeply inspired by meeting Native leaders in top leadership positions within the federal government who seek to fulfill the federal trust responsibility to tribes and are doing incredibly important work in their respective roles."

Read more about Fletcher’s Office of Career Services.