Latest Publications

Dec 1, 2024
Urban policy responses to climate hazards in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
By: Jacobsen K; Hollander JB; Sternlieb SR; Yimere A; Naegele AC; Schwalm C
Urban in-migration, high birth rates and unchecked development are driving the continued growth of African cities. Much of this urbanization occurs in informal settlements, where unplanned growth exacerbates the impacts of climate hazards. Our paper explores the challenges faced by urban planners seeking to address climate change threats in African cities. Focusing on Addis Ababa, we conduct a robust policy analysis of urban government response. Our main finding is that Addis Ababa's environmental challenges are primarily a result of urban development and inadequate planning and policy enforcement. Environmental challenges are exacerbated by rapidly intensifying climate impacts, but not driven by them. Improved city-level policy responses can potentially mitigate many of Addis Ababa's current environmental challenges and prepare the city to weather future ones. We highlight four areas of policy weakness: (1) ineffective or absent policies concerning green space; (2) the exclusion of informal settlements from ongoing resilience planning efforts; (3) limited public trust and transparency; and (4) a lack of coordination across the multiple agencies in Addis charged with planning. Holistic, multi-stakeholder planning is inhibited by a lack of collaboration, limited stakeholder participation, and a reluctance to engage in productive dialogue. Resolving all four issues will only occur with sustained increases in social trust, expertise, governance capacity and capital.
Copy Citation Jacobsen, K., Hollander, J. B., Sternlieb, S. R., Yimere, A., Naegele, A. C., & Schwalm, C. (2024). Urban policy responses to climate hazards in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. City and Environment Interactions, 24. doi:10.1016/j.cacint.2024.100162 Copied to clipboard.
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Dec 1, 2024
Offshore wind and wave energy can reduce total installed capacity required in zero-emissions grids
By: Gonzalez N; Serna-Torre P; Sánchez-Pérez PA; Davidson R; Murray B; Staadecker M; Szinai J; Wei R; Kammen DM; Sunter DA
As the world races to decarbonize power systems to mitigate climate change, the body of research analyzing paths to zero emissions electricity grids has substantially grown. Although studies typically include commercially available technologies, few of them consider offshore wind and wave energy as contenders in future zero-emissions grids. Here, we model with high geographic resolution both offshore wind and wave energy as independent technologies with the possibility of collocation in a power system capacity expansion model of the Western Interconnection with zero emissions by 2050. In this work, we identify cost targets for offshore wind and wave energy to become cost effective, calculate a 17% reduction in total installed capacity by 2050 when offshore wind and wave energy are fully deployed, and show how curtailment, generation, and transmission change as offshore wind and wave energy deployment increase.
Copy Citation Gonzalez, N., Serna-Torre, P., Sánchez-Pérez, P. A., Davidson, R., Murray, B., Staadecker, M., . . . Hidalgo-Gonzalez, P. (2024). Offshore wind and wave energy can reduce total installed capacity required in zero-emissions grids. Nature Communications, 15(1). doi:10.1038/s41467-024-50040-6 Copied to clipboard.
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Nov 28, 2024
Refugee Governance in the Arab World The International Refugee Regime and Global Politics
By: Fakhoury T; Chatty D I.B. Tauris
The eBook editions of this book are available as open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on
Copy Citation Fakhoury, T., & Chatty, D. (2024). Refugee Governance in the Arab World The International Refugee Regime and Global Politics. I.B. Tauris. Copied to clipboard.
Oct 1, 2024
Water usage in cooling systems for electricity production: an event study of retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the United States
By: Chi KHK; McCracken M
Thermoelectric power plants account for approximately 40% of total U.S. water withdrawals each year. In 2022, 48.5 trillion gallons of water were withdrawn for cooling systems in electricity production, of which 962.9 billion gallons of water were consumed and no longer available for downstream use. Conventional steam coal plants, in particular, withdrew 18.3 trillion gallons of water for once-through and recirculating cooling systems in 2022 while contributing to 19.7% of total U.S. net electricity generation. As coal-fueled electricity production becomes less competitive, cases of coal-to-gas retrofits occur to avoid stranded assets. Two retrofitting methods are adopted in practice: coal-fired power plants are repurposed and replaced by natural gas combined-cycle plants, or the boiler of a coal plant is converted to burn natural gas. In this study, we construct panel data and employ an event study framework to examine changes in water withdrawal, water consumption, water discharge, and carbon emissions resulting from coal-to-gas retrofits in the continental United States from 2013 to 2022. Seventeen coal-fired power plants have been replaced with natural gas combined-cycle plants, and 167 coal steam units in 85 plants have undergone coal-to-gas boiler conversions. We find a sharp and sustained reduction in water withdrawal of 40.2-53.9 thousand gallons per megawatt-hour of net electricity produced when a coal plant transitioned to a natural gas combined-cycle plant. Water discharge was also reduced by 30.7 thousand gallons, and carbon emissions decreased by 0.59 short tons per megawatt-hour. Yet, boiler conversion did not lead to statistically significant changes in per megawatt-hour water withdrawal, water consumption, water discharge, or carbon emissions. Spatial assessment further informs resource planning of projected water-stressed regions, as 204.6 gigawatts of coal-fired power plants remain operable in the United States in 2022. Fuel transition should adopt a nexus approach and account for the interdependence between water resources and electricity production to realize sustainable development commitments.
Copy Citation Chi, K. H. K., & McCracken, M. (2024). Water usage in cooling systems for electricity production: an event study of retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 19(10). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad6fb8 Copied to clipboard.
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Aug 1, 2024
National disparities in residential energy tax credits in the United States
By: Holt EG; Sunter DA
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) promises to deliver $270 billion in tax incentives starting in 2023, expanding on the existing $18 billion in federal income tax credits for clean energy investments. Despite the continued investment in clean energy tax credits, not all communities have historically benefited equally from these programs. This work investigates the presence of disparities in the residential energy tax credit (RETC) program, which was recently expanded under the IRA. We use quantile regression models to explore disparities in the participation in and average value received from the RETCs across demographics. Because tax credit programs result in second-tier benefits such as job creation, we compare the relationship between RETC participation and the presence of clean jobs across demographics. We find that rural communities, renter-occupied communities, and communities of color are disproportionately participating less in the RETC. However, we observe that when renter-occupied or communities of color do participate, they see higher average value comparatively as well as more clean jobs associated per tax return with the RETC. While disparities across demographic groups persist in participation in the RETC, these findings suggest that renter-occupied or communities of color see more benefits when they do participate.
Copy Citation Holt, E. G., & Sunter, D. A. (2024). National disparities in residential energy tax credits in the United States. Energy, 300. doi:10.1016/ Copied to clipboard.
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