MIB Quantitative Methods (QM Track)

students discussing in class

STEM expertise with a global edge

How can supply chains be built–and restructured–to promote sustainability and human rights? How will AI change the rules of business in ways we’re not yet conceptualizing? 

The world requires leaders to operate at the intersection of quantitative and contextual intelligence, rewarding those who can synthesize solutions in the overlap between business politics, economics, the law, technology, and data. 

Learn to answer big picture questions with data and contextual intelligence through the MIB Quantitative Methods Track (QM). QM combines Fletcher’s global education with a rigorous STEM skill set:

  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Development Economics
  • International Financial Management and Services
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Global Investment Management and Private Equity

“You might read something in the newspaper or even a journal article that the Prius is better for the environment than the equivalent Toyota Corolla sedan, but don’t take their word for it, run your own model. Understand what assumptions the outcome is sensitive to. That is something that has served me really well—the ability to take a problem and quantify it to inform my own position. You understand the issues much more deeply when you take that approach.” 

Kit Barron F11, Head of Data Science and Analytics at Farmers Business Network 

A holistic approach to business leadership

award winners

Modern business needs leaders with the highest level of insight to strategize, as well as the practical training to move fast. Through its rigorous curriculum and extensive opportunities for research at the Institute for Business in the Global Context and Digital Planet, Fletcher can get you there. 

For students from outside the United States, the program’s STEM designation also increases the duration of optional professional training (OPT) in the U.S. by two years, giving you more time to build your network and professional expertise–with the targeted support of the Office of Career Services for non-U.S. students.

Study business with digital experts

students in library

Global business and data are entwined. At Fletcher, students run models to uncover gender bias in the STEM industry and use data to map the emergence of the AI industry. Dive deep into research opportunities with the Institute for Business in the Global Context and Digital Planet. 

The Emerging Geography of AI

As the Global AI race intensifies, Digital Planet mapped emerging AI leadership across data, rules, capital, and innovation.

Glass Ceilings, Broken Rungs, and Gummy Floors

Women remain under-represented in high-paying technical and decision-making roles in STEM professions – a scenario that exposes the Achilles’ heel of the entire technology industry.

Dispatches from the Digital Planet

Fletcher faculty and students use data to develop powerful insight on global issues. Read more about their latest findings. 

A powerful curriculum to accelerate your career

The MIB QM takes Fletcher’s rigorous, global MIB curriculum and focuses on STEM competency. 

As a QM student, you’ll complete similar requirements as MIB students. Tailor your degree by pairing one global affairs field of study and one international business field. Additionally, you’ll complete the MIB Business Core:

  • Strategic management
  • Corporate finance
  • Accounting
  • Leadership
  • Sustainable business
  • Marketing or supply chain management

Key program features accelerate your STEM education in the MIB QM program.

MIB:QM Quantitative Management (QM)

One required course (Data Science for Global Applications) and three additional courses that have been designated as QM-eligible

MIB:QM Capstone

Client-based capstone project completed by taking the Fields Studies in Global Consulting course

MIB Quantitative Methods (QM)

  • MIB:QM candidates must demonstrate academic quantitative capacity as follows:

    • Completed college-level courses in Statistics and Microeconomics with a minimum grade of B- (or equivalent). These need not be part of a college degree and can be taken, for credit and a grade, independently.
    • Other quantitative coursework, research, and professional experience will add to a candidate’s quantitative profile, especially economics, data analysis, and calculus classes. Students with engineering, pre-med, and other science backgrounds may be considered a strong fit as well.

    Students must apply directly to the MIB or the MIB:QM. We strongly encourage applicants to apply to the degree for which they are most qualified and that is most relevant to their professional goals. If you have not yet completed the required economics and statistics coursework, you may choose to complete this before applying and submit appropriate transcripts.

    Candidates who apply for but do not meet the MIB:QM course pre-requisites may be considered for the MIB (non-QM track) or may be offered admission conditional upon providing evidence of successful completion of additional coursework before starting the program.

QM required classes

  •  EIB-B200 Foundations in Financial Accounting and Corporate Finance

    An introductory course to corporate finance from the perspective of the chief financial officer (CFO). The first part of the course deals with financial planning and budgeting, financial analysis, and short-term financial management. The second part of the course develops a valuation framework for making investment decisions (capital budgeting) for new equipment, the launch of new products, mergers and acquisitions and LBOs... and the funding/financing decisions to be coordinated with those investment decisions. Special attention is given to the cost of capital and valuing stocks, bonds, convertible and preferred.

    EIB-B207M Financial Statement Management

    Accounting is an economic information system, and can be thought of as the language of business. Accounting information provides individuals with a starting point to understand and evaluate the key drivers of the firm, its financial position and performance. This can then be used to enhance decisions, as well as help predict a firm’s future cash flows. The present (or current) value of those cash flows provides an estimate for the value of the firm. This course will cover the basic vocabulary, concepts, procedures and mechanics of financial and managerial accounting and the role of accounting information in society.

    EIB-B238 Strategic Management

    Effective strategists can: size up the dynamics of the external environment of a firm, covering its economic, political, and social contexts; take a holistic view across all functions and configure all of a firm’s internal choices to give it a competitive advantage; sustain this advantage over time and leverage it into adjacent business and geographic opportunities; use acquisitions and alliances when these are the more effective approaches to support a strategy; create the right organizational context to execute the chosen strategy efficiently; ensure the continuous renewal of the firm in anticipation of and adapting to its changing environment. The objectives of this short course are to master the field’s core concepts and to build the skills needed to be an effective strategist.

    EIB-B291 Leadership: Building Teams, Organizations, and Shaping Your Path

    This course explores the fundamental aspects of managing and leading people including: managing one-on-one relationships; influencing team behavior; and motivating and aligning people behind a common vision. It also examines the challenges and tradeoffs in creating a meaningful personal leadership path, especially in the early stages of your career. The course pedagogy is case-method discussion, drawing primarily on cases from the private sector, supplemented with comparative material from the public sector and civil society. This course will provide you with a number of critical concepts and competencies that will be useful in both the short term and long term. It will help you to make the transition from an individual contributor to a manager and, over time, build a career of increasing responsibility as a leader.

  • EIB-B240 Sustainable Business Dynamics

    Advances in technology, emergent social issues and pressing environment challenges are elevating the importance of corporate sustainability. Independent of the chosen designation (CSR, corporate responsibility, ESG…) an array of stakeholders (including NGOs, employees, consumers, communities, investors, and the planet) are expanding the boundaries of responsibility and elevating expectations for corporate executives. This course provides students with an understanding of the nomenclature, frameworks, and analytical tools needed to effectively integrate sustainability and responsibility into the management of a corporation.

    EIB-B252 Corporate Sustainability in the Age of Globalization

    The context for business and society is changing in (at least) four ways: globalization and a lack of global governance; increasing relevance of ESG (environment, social and governance) challenges; rising scale and scope of corporate activities; digitalization and datafication. These changes create new challenges as well as opportunities for business but also for their stakeholders. Stakeholders as diverse as investors, employees, the media, NGOs, and customers often have strong views on how corporations should address these new issues.

  • EIB-B263M Marketing Management

    It is not an overstatement to say that all non-monopolistic companies, NGOs and even government-sponsored organizations live or die by their ability to effectively market their products and services. In today’s hyper-competitive global markets, organizations that excel at identifying their customers, determining how to meet their interests and needs, and delivering an outstanding experience will be the winners. This course will cover six key market functions and responsibilities: understanding the roles and responsibilities of a marketer; segmentation: identifying and targeting your best customers; strategic social media: when, how, what and with who; sales enablement and support; brand strategy; delivering a superior customer experience. We will look at marketing issues facing both private and non-profit sector organizations. All the topics in the course will be discussed in an international context, including the unique issues that marketers face in global markets.

    EIB-B281M Managing Operations and Supply Chains in Global Companies

    A management-oriented, case study-based course on how companies design, manage, and measure operations around the globe today. The core topics will be: the exercise of competitive advantage through operational capability; business process design; supply chain management; lean operations; disruptive operations innovations; operations networks and connectivity; talent management; the managerial metrics revolution; etc. Readings and cases will focus on both the operations themselves and the management issues surrounding them.

  • ILO-L230 International Business Transactions

    This course provides an examination of private and public law aspects of international business transactions, including conflicts of law and comparative law issues. It examines the selection of the optimal business format for international operations, including branch, subsidiary, joint venture, technology license and distributorship; international commercial law, including sales contract, and commercial documents; international contracts and dispute resolution issues, including governing law, and choice of forum, force majeure, and treaty issues; and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

    ILO-L233 International Financial and Fiscal Law

    This course is intended to introduce students to the legal and regulatory context of international finance. It covers selected domestic and international aspects of (i) corporate law relating to finance, (ii) bank financing and regulation, (iii) securities financing and market regulation and (iv) insolvency law. It also addresses the process of innovation in international financial law, with coverage of emerging market debt, swaps and other derivatives, privatizations, and securitization. These topics will be reviewed from the standpoint of domestic law of the United States and other selected jurisdictions, as well as from the standpoint of applicable international law and practice. 

  • DHP-D258 Introduction to Data Science for Global Applications

    Provides an overview of the principles and applications of data science. The first part of the course deals with the acquisition and handling of data, with an emphasis on contextualizing data and framing data analysis. The second part of the course will focus on tools and techniques for data manipulation and visualization. The third part of the course will introduce students to several methods for modeling data. The course will present both theoretical frameworks and practical tools for implementing various algorithms for regression, classification, and clustering. Students will become proficient in Python-based tools for data analysis including numpy, pandas, and scikit-learn.

  • EIB-B237 Field Studies in Global Consulting

    The goal of this course is to introduce consulting as it is practiced worldwide and across sectors. Students will achieve this goal by undertaking a consulting engagement for a real-world client. The first part of the course will include an introduction to and practice in the essential skills that form the core of professional development for consultants at top-level firms. Students will then put these skills to the test by completing a team consulting project for a sponsoring organization. Open to students who have completed B200 and/or B291 (or similar courses). Class size will be limited by the number of projects confirmed by external sponsors with a maximum of five projects, or twenty-five students, being accepted.

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