PhD Programs


Pursue meaningful research. Create lasting change.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program in International Relations

The PhD program in International Relations trains scholars to conduct cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research across key areas of international affairs and political science. A combination of in-depth, hands-on fieldwork and comprehensive theoretical study enables PhD students to uncover the meaningful questions that ultimately shape their future research and professional careers.

PhD in International Relations

The Neubauer Family Program in Economics and Public Policy

A joint program between the Fletcher School and the Department of Economics at Tufts University, the Neubauer Family Program in Economics and Public Policy focuses on producing new scholars and policymakers to address critical issues centered on economic development, energy needs associated with economic growth, and the environmental and climate consequences of progress.

Go to the Neubauer Family Program in Economics and Public Policy
Scott McDonald

I came to The Fletcher School because its interdisciplinary structure allows me to pursue my academic interests in a manner few other institutions would.

Scott McDonald, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Program Requirements 

Note that the information below refers to only the PhD in International Relations at The Fletcher School. For information on the Neubauer Family Program in Economics and Public Policy, visit the Department of Economics page.

Students in Fletcher's PhD Program in International Relations move through three program phases on their way from admission to graduation. They start with classes, arranged within a structured curriculum that still allows significant flexibility in course selection. When their class requirements are complete, students take comprehensive exams, and then move on as PhD candidates to research and write a dissertation.

  • Doctoral students shape a curriculum based on their interests within Fletcher’s primary doctoral fields of study:

    Regardless of their choice of field, all students pursue foundational courses in international relations theory and research methodology. 

    Students also supplement their primary field of study with a second field that can be self-designed or selected from the Fletcher School’s wider list of fields of study. The student’s primary and secondary fields of study form the basis for their comprehensive exams.

    Students seeking additional opportunities to individualize their studies may cross-register for up to a quarter of their classes at another graduate school at Tufts University or at Harvard University.

    Students who have received their master's degree at another institution generally pursue twelve courses (36 credits) at Fletcher, with limited opportunities to have prior coursework applied to their degree. Those who possess a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) generally pursue an additional four courses (12 credits), for a total of twenty courses for the two degrees.

  • Comprehensive Exams

    Doctoral students demonstrate mastery of their subjects through comprehensive examinations, composed of a written exam in each of the two fields of study and an oral exam that integrates the material from the two areas. Students generally sit for their comprehensive examinations within a year of completing their coursework.


    Once they have passed their comprehensive exams and achieved PhD candidacy, students propose, research, and write a dissertation. The completed dissertation should bear evidence of independent research and constitute a substantial contribution on the subject. When the dissertation is complete, the PhD candidate participates in a public oral defense of the dissertation.

    Additional Degree Requirements

    In addition to the exam and dissertation requirements outlined above, doctoral students must:

    • Demonstrate proficiency in a second language.
    • Submit a master's thesis for evaluation by a Fletcher faculty member. This could be a master's thesis written prior to enrollment at Fletcher or a thesis written during the first year at Fletcher.
  • Admission to the Fletcher School PhD Program is a highly competitive process. The PhD Admissions Committee seeks students with a history of academic success and the potential to achieve their research and career goals in the future.

    Master’s Degree: Prospective students must have a master's degree in a field that is relevant to international relations and directly related to the applicant's proposed doctoral studies. The applicant's master's degree must come from a program that required at least three semesters of full-time study (not including internships or language study) and at least twelve courses in which the applicant earned a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher. Applicants should also have at least basic proficiency in a second language, which may be English for non-native English speakers.

    Professional Experience:  In addition to a strong academic background, successful applicants generally have professional experience that they can draw upon from work prior to their master’s degree or between their master’s degree and PhD studies.

    Doctoral Research Topic: Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure that their research can be supported by a member of the Fletcher faculty. Even among highly accomplished applicants, the selected research topic must be one in which a professor can advise the student in their specific field. Reaching out to faculty members during the application process is not required but can be a useful way of ensuring that there is a good match with a potential advisor. The final match between admitted students and faculty advisors will be made through the application review process. Adjunct and visiting professors cannot serve as PhD advisors.

    Applicants with questions about the admissions process are encouraged to email the Office of Admissions or the PhD Program Director.

  • Fletcher graduates go on to become respected leaders in academia and research, as well as the non-profit, government, and private sectors. They produce research and policy that contributes substantively to the theory and practice of international affairs and builds on Fletcher’s long-standing reputation as a hub for meaningful discourse on complex issues.

    Fletcher faculty and the Office of Career Services  support Fletcher graduates with career advice, professional development, and general assistance.

    Careers in International Relations

    Fletcher's Office of Career Services works with PhD students interested in a career in international relations practice. Our graduates have pursued careers at a wide range of institutions and organizations.

    Careers in Academia

    For PhD students focused on the academic job market, Fletcher offers support at a variety of levels. To develop teaching skills, students can participate in Tufts University’s three-week summer intensive Graduate Institute for Teaching and co-teach a class with a faculty mentor. Many students have also developed and taught classes in the University’s Osher Institute or Experimental College. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Fletcher's PhD program is a full-time, on-campus program that does not offer either part-time or remote-study options. Students are generally on campus for three years or until they have defended their dissertation proposal. After that, they may choose to move elsewhere to research and write their dissertation.

  • Once students have completed their coursework, they generally take one year or less to complete their comprehensive exams and an additional year or less to prepare a formal dissertation proposal. After the proposal has been approved, researching, and writing the dissertation averages about three years, but the time needed depends on how many other activities the student is pursuing in addition to their dissertation.

  • No. Although Fletcher PhD students may wish to pursue teaching or research opportunities within Fletcher or elsewhere at Tufts University, with only a few exceptions, Fletcher scholarships come with no teaching, research, or other work obligations.

Interested in PhD programs? Get in touch.
