GMAP Students

  • While we do suggest that applicants have 8 years of work experience, we have on occasion admitted individuals into the program with fewer than 8 years of experience. In these cases we have considered the caliber of work and the backgrounds of these individuals and how the applicant might fit into the cohort/program, among other considerations.

  • We have many students who do not have traditional backgrounds in international relations, history, or politics, but manage to excel in our program. GMAP students have come from non-humanities backgrounds such as business, accounting, engineering, medicine, psychology, and biology. The only requirement is a background that displays intellectual curiosity, determination, and a desire to be a difference maker.

  • Foreign language requirements for the GMAP can be found here:

  • The GRE or GMAT exam is no longer an application requirement for any Fletcher degree program, though applicants who wish to submit score reports as part of their application are welcome to do so.

  • GMAP offers two forms of scholarship opportunity, with the most common form being partial scholarships that help defray the cost of tuition. These are allocated to the students with the combination ofgreatest need and merit.

    While most GMAP students will receive some scholarship, please note that the amount you are offered will depend on how strong your application is and how much financial need you have. Please also note that your scholarship reward will be relative to the strength of other applicants.

    Scholarships are determined by the GMAP Committee on Admissions and Scholarships. GMAP encourages all applicants requiring assistance to submit a financial aid application with their GMAP application.

    The other form of GMAP scholarship opportunity are merit scholarships. Merit scholarships are given to extraordinary individuals who have proven and acute financial aid needs.  

    GMAP tuition, scholarships, and financial aid resources.

  • No, GMAP does not accept transfer credits.

  • The residencies are mandatory for completion of the degree. Missing days would require you to return to a future residency and complete the entire course which you missed during your initially scheduled residency.

  • GMAP student’s careers span the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. GMAPers are CEO’s and entrepreneurs, high ranking government officials, media figures, elected representatives, military leaders, and more. Typically, GMAP students are midcareer professionals who use the GMAP program to help them advance in their current field. However, we also have had a number of students who have used GMAP as a springboard to a different career. Here you can find information on a number of our recent graduates and their career paths in the GMAP student and alumni profiles.