Fletcher PhD Students

Award ceremony

Fletcher’s PhD candidates come from around the world, bringing unique perspectives, a wealth of professional experience, and a diversity of interests to the doctoral program. What they share is a commitment to pursuing critical current issues through an interdisciplinary approach. They form a supportive learning network dedicated to academic excellence, adding to the diversity and energy of the Fletcher student community.

Student Profiles

With approximately 50 students engaged in coursework or research, the PhD program is an integral and vibrant component of the Fletcher community. Working alongside our world-renowned faculty, Fletcher doctoral candidates acquire the theoretical and practical skills needed to produce research that will help shape future discourse on international relations.  

Get to know our students’ stories, and learn how they plan to shape the future of international affairs.

  • Maggie Adomako
    MGA, University of Notre Dame 
    BA, French & Linguistics, University of Ghana
    Fields of Study: Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs 


    Zviad Adzinbaia 
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA (Honors), Political Science, Sokhumi State University in Tbilisi 
    Fields of Study: International Security; Euro-Atlantic Affairs
    Dissertation Title: Fighting the War of Tomorrow: Gaining Advantage in the Fog of Disinformation


    Lima Ahmad (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, Women and Gender Studies, International Relations, Bucknell University
    Dissertation Title: Afghan Youth, Violence and Resilience: A Multi-Method Study of the War-Affected Generations in Afghanistan


    Dipali Anumol (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    MSc, International Relations (Research), London School of Economics and Political Science
    Integrated MA, Development Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
    Fields of Study: Gender and Intersectional Analysis; Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs
    Dissertation Title: Sustaining Movements, Sustaining Selves: Practices of Care, Feminist Activism and Responses to Sexual Violence in India


    Viking Bohman  (he/him/his)
    MSc (double degree), International Affairs, London School of Economics (LSE) and Peking University
    BSc, Political Science, Swedish Defence University
    Fields of Study: International Security; International Political Economy


    Karst K. Brandsma (he/him/his)
    MMAS, School of Advanced Military Studies, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
    MPM, Georgetown University 
    MA, Webster University 
    BA, Gonzaga University
    Fields of Study: International Security Studies; Political Systems and Theory
    Dissertation Title: With Friends Like These: An Examination of Burden Sharing and Military Coalition Defection


    Jessica Catherine Caddell 
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University 
    BS, United States Military Academy 
    Fields of Study: International Security; Political Systems and Theories
    Dissertation Title: Strategic Success?  Russia’s Resurgence in the Information Domain


    Ravi Shankar Chaturvedi (he/him/his)
    MIB, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    MBA, Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
    BA, Sociology and Public Administration, Osmania University
    Fields of Study: International Business; Technology and International Affairs
    Dissertation Title: Estonia’s e-Residency Experiment: An Investigation into the Drivers of Success and Conditions for Scalability and Replicability

    Kate Hua-Ke Chi (she/her/hers)
    MA, Economics, Boston University
    BBA, Business Administration and Economics, The George Washington University
    Fields of Study: International Development and Environmental Policy; Political Economy


    Joey Ching (she/her/hers)
    MA, lnternational Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
    BS, Political Science, United States Air Force Academy
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies


    Nicholas Helldorfer Cicchinelli (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, International Relations and Russian Studies, Wheaton College, Massachusetts
    Fields of Study: Gender and Intersectional Analysis; Public International Law
    Dissertation Title: Illegible Identities, Institutional Protection Gaps, and Invisible Harms: Examining the Effects of U.S. Refugee Status Determination Processes on Protection Outcomes for Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees and Asylum-Seekers


    Amanda Current (she/her/hers)
    MSSI, National Intelligence University
    BS, Psychology, Truman State University
    Fields of Study: International Security; Political Systems and Theories
    Dissertation Title: Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap in the Cyber Domain: Assessing Alignment from Theory Application to Strategy Implementation


    Danielle Demers (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, Mount Holyoke College
    Fields of Study: Human Security; Gender and Intersectional Analysis
    Dissertation Title: An Intersectional Analysis of Syria’s Captagon Economy


    Amaia Elorza Arregi (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    JD, Complutense University of Madrid
    BSc, Politics & International Relations, London School of Economics
    Fields of Study: International Negotiation & Conflict Resolution; Gender and Intersectional Analysis
    Dissertation Title: Transnational Solidarity Movements as Mechanisms of Political Transformation in Protracted Asymmetric Conflicts


    Zoltan Feher
    MPA, Harvard University
    JD, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest
    MA, American Studies (American History), Eotvos Lorand University
    MA, Political Science, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest (joint bachelor’s and master’s) 
    Fields of Study: International Security; Political Systems and Theories
    Dissertation Title: The Sources of American Conduct: U.S. Strategy, China’s Rise, and International Order


    Tarun Gopalakrishnan (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA/LLB (Honors), NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India
    Fields of Study: International Development and Environmental Policy; International Organizations 


    Stuart A. Green 
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University 
    MS, Strategic Intelligence, National Intelligence University 
    BA, History, Boston University
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies 


    Brendan Hales (he/him/his)
    MS, Defense and Strategic Studies, Missouri State University
    BA, Philosophy, Brigham Young University
    Fields of Study: International Security; Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs


    Aruni Jayakody (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, English & International Relations, and LLB, Public International Law, University of Queensland
    Fields of Study: International Human Rights Law; International Organizations
    Dissertation Title: Commitments and Compliance: Impact of Cooperation with International Human Rights Institutions in Sri Lanka and Nepal


    Emily Lagarile (she/her/hers)
    MA, English, Emporia State University
    BS, Systems Engineering, United States Air Force Academy
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies


    Marina Lazetic (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, Human Rights and Sociology, Bard College
    Fields of Study: Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs; International Security
    Dissertation Title: Mobilizing Resilience: Forced Displacement and Environmental Justice


    Lilly Min-Chen Lee (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    MA, International Studies, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
    BS, Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    Fields of Study: International Security; Technology and International Affairs


    Xiaodon L. Liang (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BSc, International Relations, London School of Economics
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies
    Dissertation Title: Military Rule and Military Industry: Prerogatives and Interests


    Alex McAuliff (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, Government; Global Studies, Colby College
    Fields of Study: Gender and Intersectional Analysis; International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
    Dissertation Title: The Troubles with Inclusion: Northern Ireland and the Gendered Hierarchies of Peace


    Scott D. McDonald
    MA, National Security Affairs, The Naval Postgraduate School
    BA, International Affairs, The George Washington University
    Fields of Study: Political Systems and Theories; International Security
    Dissertation Title: The Potential of Hierarchy: The Impact of Classical Chinese Philosophy on the Taiwan Policy of the People’s Republic of China


    Jared Miller (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, International Relations, College of William and Mary
    Fields of Study: Comparative and Regional Studies; Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs
    Dissertation Title: Transforming Systemic Corruption: The Role of Peacebuilding in Strengthening Accountable Governance


    Ben Naimark-Rowse (he/him/his)
    MPA, Princeton School for Public and International Affairs
    BA with honors, International Studies, University of Chicago
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies
    Dissertation Title: Dollars and Dissent: Donor Support for Grassroots Organizing and Nonviolent Movements


    Soyoung Oh (she/her/hers)
    MIA, Baruch College, City University of New York
    BBA, Business Administration, Dongguk University
    Fields of Study: International Development and Environmental Policy; Development Economics


    Diana Park (she/her/hers)
    MPP, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
    MA, Cybersecurity Technology, University of Maryland Global Campus
    BS, Foreign Service, Georgetown University
    Fields of Study: International Security; Pacific Asia
    Dissertation Title: Non-violent Civil Resistance in Authoritarian Cyberspace Environments


    Megan Zella Rounseville (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, Economics, Denison University
    Fields of Study: Development Economics; Econometric Impact Evaluation
    Dissertation Title: Encouraging Behavior Change for Improved Well-being: Three Field Experiments


    Gary J. Sampson (he/him/his)
    MSS, Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University
    MSSI, College of Strategic Intelligence, National Intelligence University
    BS, Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies
    Dissertation Title: “Arming to Threaten the Peace”: Enduring PRC-DPRK Ties, Chinese Alliance Management, and Why North Korea Became the First “Axis of Evil” State with the Bomb


    Aditya Sarkar (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA LLB (Hons), National Law School of India University, Bangalore
    Fields of Study: Comparative and Regional Studies; Migration
    Dissertation Title:  Politics After the “End of Work”: Rights Claims by “Surplus” Populations and the Negotiation of Political Authority in Small-Town India


    Iris (Risa) Sobchak (she/her)
    MAIR, Pardee School, Boston University
    MA, History, Pennsylvania State University
    BA, International and Strategic History, United States Military Academy
    Fields of Study: International Security; Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs
    Dissertation Title: Too Big to Fail: The Large Project Policy Failures of Nation Building in Iraq


    Kinsey Spears (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    AB, International Relations, Arabic, The University of Georgia
    Fields of Study: Gender and Intersectional Analysis; International Security
    Dissertation Title: Women, Peace and Security in the United States Military: Roadblocks and Entry Points for Implementation


    Bethany Tietjen (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, International Studies and German Studies, American University
    Fields of Study: International Development and Environmental Policy; Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs


    Antti Toivanen (he/him/his)
    MA, University of Turku
    MSS, University of Helsinki
    Fields of Study: Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs; Comparative and Regional Studies
    Dissertation Title: Safe Havens, Indifferent Hosts, Independent Decision Makers: A Comparative Study on the Role of the Cities and the Civil Society During the European Refugee Crisis 2015-2017


    Stefan Tschauko (he/him/his)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University (with an exchange semester at Sciences Po)
    MS, International Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business (with an exchange with Koç University)
    Diplom-Ingenieur (FH), Information Management, FH JOANNEUM, University of Applied Sciences
    Fields of Study: International Communication and Brand Management; Global Governance and International Organizations
    Dissertation Title: Branding and Brand Management in International Organizations – Manifestations, Influence Factors, and the Role in Influencing Performance: The Case of the United Nations System


    James Vansandt
    MA, Political Science, Université Catholique de Louvain
    BA, History, Freed Hardeman University
    Fields of Study: International Security; Comparative and Regional Studies


    Andrea M. Walther-Puri (she/her/hers)
    MALD, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
    BA, International Relations, Tufts University
    Fields of Study: International Security; African Studies
    Dissertation Title: Measuring the Effectiveness of U.S. Counterterrorism Assistance in the Sahel


    Ryan Young (he/him/his)
    MBA, The Kelley School, Indiana University
    BS, Chemical Engineering, Michigan Technological University
    Fields of Study: International Security; International Legal Studies
    Dissertation Title: Civil-AI Relations: Understanding Opportunity & Risk in AI-Enhanced Governance

Awards & Fellowships 

Fletcher’s doctoral students have regularly received competitive awards and fellowships, including:

  • Social Science Research Council, International Dissertation Research Fellowship
  • Jennings Randolph Fellowship, United States Institute of Peace 
  • Pre-Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
  • Doctoral Fellowship, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
  • Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Brookings
  • Eisenhower-Roberts Doctoral Fellowship 
  • Morris Abrams Award in International Relations
  • Vasey Fellowship, Pacific Forum CSIS
  • Graduate Research Fellowship, Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School
  • Smith Richardson Strategy and Policy Fellowship and Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

Getting Involved at Fletcher 

PhD students participate fully in the life of the Fletcher School, regularly interacting with students in all of the School's degree programs. Within the PhD community, students play a leadership role, ensuring that program offerings meet their needs and interests.

PhD Colloquium

The PhD Research Colloquium is an opportunity for PhD candidates to share and discuss their ongoing research and receive supportive critiques from peers and Fletcher professors. The colloquium also offers sessions on comprehensive exams, proposal writing, the dissertation process, professional development, and PhD life. All current students are encouraged to attend and to take advantage of this opportunity to stay connected, network, and gain insight into the substantive tasks of completing the dissertation. A member of the faculty attends the colloquium, though students take the lead in coordinating many of the activities. Non-resident students are encouraged to join remotely.

Student Leadership

All Fletcher students are encouraged to play a role in governance of the School, whether on the PhD Committee, the policy-making group for the program, the school-wide Student Council, or on Fletcher’s Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

PhD Committee Student Representatives

Two students are elected each year to represent their peers on the Committee on the PhD Program, which meets several times each semester to consider issues critical to the success of the program and its students. The PhD Committee also includes the PhD Program Director, the PhD Program Academic Director, and other members of the faculty and staff.

PhD Student Group

The PhD Student Group is one of the many groups at Fletcher that receive funding through the Student Council. The group's activities may be social or academic, including a periodic PhD Research Forum that offers students the opportunity to discuss their research with members of the wider Fletcher community.