Recent Graduates

The following resources have been collected to help recent graduates better transition into life as new alumni.

  • Congratulations on your graduation from The Fletcher School! To help you better connect with the Fletcher alumni community, the Office of Development and Alumni Relations provides a number of valuable tools – including access to the Fletcher Alumni Network via Fletcher CORE, Fletcher Community Group on LinkedIn, and contact with more than 80 Fletcher alumni clubs around the globe.

    Click here to stay connected!

  • Tufts University and The Fletcher School are pleased to offer the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP). The purpose of Loan Repayment Assistance Program is to encourage and enable Tufts graduates to pursue careers in public service by reducing the extent to which their educational debt is a barrier to working in comparatively low-salaried jobs in the nonprofit and public sectors.

    Click here for more information

  • The Office of Career Services is open twelve months of the year, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

    Recent graduates will continue to have access to the following.

    • Job postings (Fletcher CORE)
    • Coaching appointments (schedule via Fletcher CORE)
    • Subscription services (Daybook, Devex, GoinGlobal)
    • Tools (Big Interview, LinkedIn Guys Courses)

    You can access these services via Fletcher CORE. When your Tufts email address expires, you can set up an alumni account on Fletcher CORE with your personal email address. Please contact our office at for instructions.

    The OCS will continue providing newsletters highlighting events and jobs of interest through the summer.

  • Ginn Library also offers a career resource online guide that you may find helpful, click here.

    Tufts usernames and passwords will be active for 90 days after graduation. You will receive email notifications when your account is set to expire.

    For the next three months, you will continue to have access to:

    To make your transition from Fletcher easier:

    1. Forward your Tufts email address soon after commencement.
    2. Set up an auto-reply for your Tufts email directing people to your new contact information.
    3. Make arrangements to move any material you want to retain (from Canvas, Box, and/or Tufts email) to your personal cloud storage or USB drive before you lose access.

    Once your alumni privileges are set up, you will have access to:

  • Official transcripts may be requested online via SIS or by submitting a Transcript Request Form. More information is available through the Registrar's Office.