International Finance and Banking for a Sustainable World

Required Course

One of the below courses must be taken as the required course. If more than one course is taken from this list, the second course may count as a Tier I or Tier II field elective.

*EIB B221 International Financial Management

*EIB B229 Global Investment Management


Tier I Elective

Select at least 3.0 elective credits from the following courses. If more than one course is taken from this list, the second course may count as a Tier II field elective.

*EIB B220 Global Financial Services 

*EIB B224 Global Private Equity

EIB B283 Impact Investing

ILO L233 Financial and Fiscal Law


Tier II Elective

Select 3.0 elective credit from the following courses.

DHP P251 Energy, Entrepreneurship, and Finance

EIB B223 Informal and Underground Finance

EIB B227 Islamic Banking and Finance

EIB B212 Starting New Ventures

EIB B243M Market Approaches to Economic Inclusion

EIB E220 International Trade and Investment

*EIB E230 International Finance

ILO L232 International Investment Law


Field Advisor: Laurent Jacque


* indicates STEM designated course