Gender and Intersectional Analysis

Every global problem has gender and intersectional components: the way power is wielded, manipulated, and fought over directly corresponds to gender and intersectionality. 

Through Fletcher’s Gender and Intersectional Analysis (GAIA) field of study, train to become a feminist analyst and solve problems at the theoretical, practical, and policy levels. With GAIA, examine gender and other key factors that influence and intersect with gender, including ethnicity, race, age, class or caste, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and urban/rural differences. 

Use miro-, meso-, and macro-level gender and intersectional theory and tools to illuminate and engage directly with systems and institutions of political, military, social, economic, legal, and cultural power. Employ these perspectives to examine gender and intersectional roles and relations as forms of power to organize authority, institutions, rights, responsibilities, access to resources and life options – all to build a more just world.

With GAIA, get practical experience in the field and prepare for the next step in your career. Collaborate with faculty on research or plan the annual Conference on Gender and International Affairs.

Dyan Mazurana

Bringing a feminist curiosity opens up a whole world that often international relations scholars aren’t aware of.

Dyan Mazurana, Research Professor

Kimberly Theidon

Our Fletcher students conduct research. They design policies, they design and evaluate interventions. They’re change agents.

Kimberly Theidon, Associate Professor

Gender and Intersectional Analysis requirements

MALD and MIB students complete 12 credits for their field of study. MGA students complete 15 credits, plus a practicum.

    • DHP P214 Gender Theory and Praxis
  • A maximum of one independent study or one cross-registered course with an explicit focus on gender are allowed 

    • DHP D202 Contemporary Critical Theory on International Issues
    • DHP D230 Humanitarian Action in Complex Emergencies
    • DHP D231 Gender and Human Security in Transitional States and Societies
    • DHP D232 Gender, Culture, and Conflict in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
    • DHP D237 Nutrition in Complex Emergencies: Policies, Practice and Decision-making
    • DHP D239 Forced Migration
    • DHP D240 Children, Violence, Protection, and Resilience
    • DHP D245M Working in Difficult Research Environments with Vulnerable Populations: Advanced Field Research Methods
    • DHP D255 Environmental Humanities and Global Health
    • DHP D266 Peace and Democratization in Post-Conflict Societies: Cross-Comparative Perspectives
    • DHP P209M Demography and National Security
    • DHP P221 Memory Politics: Truth, Justice and Redress
    • DHP P222 Development Aid in Practice
    • DHP P243 Internal Conflict and War
    • DHP P264 Artificial Intelligence: Algorithms, Ethics, and Policy
    • DHP P290 Migration and Transnationalism in Latin America
    • DHP P297 Engaging Human Security
    • EIB B291 Leadership: Building Teams, Organizations, and Shaping Your Path
    • ILO L210 International Human Rights Law
    • ILO L213 International Criminal Justice
    • ILO L214M Transitional Justice
    • ILO L216 International Humanitarian Law
    • ILO L224 Conflict Management Tools for International Organizations
  • One skills course is required for the MGA. MALD and MIB students may not use these courses as a field elective unless otherwise indicated above.

    • DHP D208M Research Methods and Scholarship
    • DHP D218 Influencing Policy and the Global Debate: Writing Analysis and Opinion
    • DHP D220 Processes of International Negotiation
    • DHP D225 Conflict Resolution Practice
    • DHP D243M Overview of Survey Methods
    • DHP D245M Working in Difficult Research Environments with Vulnerable Populations: Advanced Field Research Methods
    • DHP D258  Introduction to Data Science for Global Applications
    • DHP P203 Analytic Frameworks for International Public Policy Decisions
    • DHP P207 GIS for International Applications
    • DHP P225 Design, Monitoring and Evaluation of Peacebuilding and Development Programming
    • DHP P234 The Arts of Communication
    • DHP P250 Environmental Problem Solving
    • DHP P289 Advanced Geospatial Modeling
    • EIB B205 Data Analysis and Statistical Methods
    • EIB B206 Data Analysis and Statistical Methods for Business
    • EIB B262 Marketing Research and Analysis
    • EIB B291 Leadership Building Teams, Organizations, and Shaping Your Path
    • EIB E210M Quantitative Methods
    • EIB E213 Econometrics
    • EIB E214 International Economic Policy Analysis
    • EIB E247 Econometric Impact Evaluation for Development
    • ILO L215 Ethics in the Practice of Foreign Affairs
  • MGA students must complete a practicum for their field of study.
