Sairah Aslam

Sairah Aslam


Fields of study

  • International Legal Studies
  • International Business



On the MALD Program

I chose the MALD program because it is most closely aligned with my lifelong career dream of becoming a U.S. Foreign Service Officer. I am studying international law and diplomacy under the guidance of practitioners—including current and former State Department officials—who are incredibly encouraging and practical about helping me develop the knowledge and skills I need to succeed. I hope to make a lot of connections with international students, many of whom have been sent to Fletcher by their foreign ministries, and who I hope to work with in the future as a diplomat.

My favorite class

My favorite class is "Diplomacy Global Info Age," taught by Professor Tara Sonenshine, the former Undersecretary of State. She is a wonderful lecturer with masterful pacing; the content of the class is incredibly nuanced and compelling, with real-world implications; and she always seeks to bring in voices of those directly involved with the issues, whether that be students or guest lecturers or both.

Favorite memory

My favorite and most memorable experience at Fletcher so far would have to be Asia Night. It was the first in a series of cultural events here at the school, and the incredible diversity of performers and their engagement with social issues along with cultural appreciation really distinguished it as a Fletcher event. It was so moving to witness.

Activities at Fletcher:

  • Fletcher School Afghan Evac & Resettlement Working Group (FAER)
  • Ukraine Digital Verification Lab (UDVL)

Education before Fletcher:

  • Bachelor of Arts, International Affairs, George Washington University