David Lander

David Lander

David Lander


Fields of study

  • International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  • Human Security and Humanitarian Affairs 



Why Fletcher

I chose Fletcher because of the vast experience that other students bring to the school and community. I remember sitting in on a class during an Open House, and there was a presentation about a peacekeeping operation in Sudan. At the end of the presentation, a student in the class stood up and explained she had been a part of that operation. This type of experience has happened countless times since I have started at the school. Fletcher provides an environment for us to learn from each other and the incredible experiences we all bring from our time before.

On the curriculum

Fletcher professors intentionally construct their syllabi to ensure students are exposed to many perspectives, not just a single viewpoint. In my "Conflict Theory of Conflict Resolution" course, every class we first read through a major theory and then critiqued the argument through another political, geographic, or gender lens. This expansion of how I read and understand theories in the conflict resolution world has had a massive impact on how I will look at the world going forward.

On campus life

Fletcher is not all about classes. Some of my favorite memories so far have been being on the Fletcher Futbol team. Whether it is cold late-night practices or epic comeback victories against another Boston graduate school. Fletcher Futbol has created a wonderful community of friends from all over the world who grew up playing the exact same game, no matter what we call it at home.

Activities at Fletcher

  • Fletcher Futbol
  • WILD
  • International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Club
  • Fletcher Culinary Diplomacy Club

Education before Fletcher

  • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Amherst College

Experience before Fletcher

  • Conflict Project Manager, eXperimental Negotiation Initiative, One Earth Future Foundation, Boulder, CO
  • Research Intern, Post Conflict Research Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Research Intern, Peace Research Institute Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • Program Intern, Search for Common Ground, Beirut, Lebanon
  • New Initiatives and Conflict Intern, Mercy Corps, Mocoa, Colombia