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Commencement 2022
Class Day Ceremony
Watch live the Class Day Ceremony on Saturday, May 21st at 3:30 pm ET.
Commencement Ceremony
Watch live the Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, May 22nd at 11:30 am ET.
For assistance with livestream viewing, please contact Katie Coleman at katie.coleman@tufts.edu
The Fletcher School invites you to Fletcher's Commencement weekend, scheduled for May 20-22, 2022. We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2022, as well as welcoming the Classes of 2020 and 2021 to our Class Day Ceremony.
#FletcherCommencement, #ClassDay2022
Congratulations to our graduates!
Commencement Event Information
8:00 am Continental Breakfast for Graduating Students
Where: Mezzanine Level - Hall of Flags.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022.
8:45 am Send Off Meeting for Graduating Students
What: The Executive Associate Dean and representatives from the Registrar’s Office, Office of Student Affairs, Office of Alumni Engagement, Office of Career Services, and Ginn Library will speak to graduating students regarding the services available to them as alumni as well as outline the weekend’s activities and expectations. Opportunity for graduating students to ask questions.
Where: ASEAN auditorium.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022.9:30 am Fletcher Commencement Rehearsal for Graduating Students
Where: Ceremony Tent - Fletcher Field.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022.2:30 pm-3:15 pm Photo Opportunity for Graduating Students with Dean Kyte
What: Graduating students and members of their family are welcome to have their photo taken with Dean Kyte. Attire can be business casual, national dress, military uniform or cap and gown.
Where: Hall of Flags.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022.4:30 pm-5:30 pm Fletcher Women’s Leadership Award Ceremony
What: Fletcher’s annual ceremony to honor outstanding women graduates who are making a meaningful impact in the private, public or NGO sector. Event will be available via Zoom webinar (view only, no Q&A from online audience).
Where: ASEAN Auditorium.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.5:30 pm-6:30 pm Women’s’ Leadership Award Reception
Where: Hall of Flags
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.6:30 pm-10:00 pm Fletcher Celebration
What: Opportunity to celebrate with the entire Fletcher community – students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends and family. Farm to table dinner will be served. Live music. Areas set aside for dancing and conversation. This is a ticketed event.
Where: Tents on Fletcher Field and Blakeley Courtyard.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community who have purchased tickets. Ticket prices for faculty, staff, and students, including graduates from the Classes of 2020 and 2021, are $70.00 and are available via the Fletcher reunion alumni registration page here.
9:30 am-10:30 am Dean’s Welcome and State of the School
What: Dean Kyte provides updates on The Fletcher School, followed by Q&A.
Where: ASEAN Auditorium.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
10:45 am-11:45 am “Current Issues in International Affairs”
What: Engage with Fletcher faculty on pressing international issues of the day. Choose one of two concurrent conversations. In person only. No live-stream or zoom option.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
Contemplating the China Conundrum: A Fletcher ConversationWhere: ASEAN Auditorium
- Kelly Sims Gallagher, Academic Dean, Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy
- Sulmaan Khan, Associate Professor of International History and Chinese Foreign Relations, Denison Chair of History and Diplomacy
- Chidi Odinkalu, Professor of Practice in International Human Rights Law
Climate and Conflict
Where: Mugar 200 (The Schmidheiny Room)
- Monica Toft, Professor of International Politics, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies
- Melissa McCracken, William R. Moomaw Assistant Professor of International Energy and Resource Policy
- Bethany Tiejten, PhD Candidate, The Fletcher School
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Fletcher Class Day Luncheon
What: Gather with friends and family for lunch to celebrate the Class of 2022.
Where: Reception Tent on Fletcher Field, Blakeley Courtyard Tent, Ceremony Tent.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
1:30 pm -2:30pm Current Issues in International Affairs”
What: Engage with Fletcher faculty on a pressing international issue of the day. In person only. No live-stream or zoom option.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
The Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine for International Law and Security
Where: ASEAN Auditorium.
- Chris Miller, Assistant Professor of International History, Co-director of The Russia and Eurasia Program
- Tom Dannenbaum, Assistant Professor of International Law
- Abi Linnington, Professor of Practice in International Security Studies
3:00 pm–3:30 pm Assembly of Classes of 2020 and 2021
What: Representatives from the Registrar’s Office and Office of Student Affairs will speak regarding the Class Day Ceremony and assemble the Classes of 2020 and 2021.
Where: Fares Center entrance by the Fletcher parking lot.
Who: Members of the Class of 2020 and 2021.
3:00pm–3:30 pm Assembly of Class of 2022*
What: Representatives from the Registrar’s Office and Office of Student Affairs will assemble the Classes of 2022
Where: Blakeley Courtyard.
Who: Members of the Class of 2022.
3:30 pm–5:00 pm Fletcher Class Day Ceremony*
What: Following welcome remarks and an alumni greeting, the Dean recognizes the Reunion Class giving awards, the Class of 2022 gift, and student prize winners. The Fletcher School also recognizes a leading figure in international affairs, who will deliver a keynote address. This year, the ceremony will include a special recognition of members of the classes of 2020 and 2021 who were unable to have an in-person ceremony due to the pandemic. The event will be live-streamed.
Where: Ceremony Tent on Fletcher Field.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
The program order of events:
- Entrance processional
- Dean’s welcome
- Remarks by a distinguished Fletcher alumnus/a, which will be delivered this year by Captain Joseph A. Gagliano, PhD, USN (F08, F12)
- Recognition of the Fine Family Faculty Fellowship
- Presentation of the Reunion Class Giving Awards
- Presentation of the Class of 2022 Gifts
- Recognition of Honos Civicus awardees
- Recognition of recipients of the Presidential Award for Civil Life
- Presentation of the Edmund A. Gullion Prize to an outstanding second-year Fletcher student
- Presentation of the Leo Gross Prize to a student who has excelled in the law-related courses
- Presentation of the Peter Ackerman award for an outstanding doctoral dissertation
- Address by the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Anand Gopal Mahindra
- Presentation of diplomas to the Class of 2020 and Class of 2021
- Closing Remarks
- Recessional
Graduates from the Class of 2022 do not need to line up in alphabetical order or wear caps and gowns. Business attire, military uniform, or national dress are appropriate. Members of the Class of 2022, who will not receive degrees this May are still encouraged to march. Attendees from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 must be in academic regalia and will line up in alphabetical order and have their names called.
5:00 pm-6:00 pm Reception for Classes of 2020 and 2021
What: Opportunity for members of the classes of 2020 and 2021 and their guests to spend special time with each other and with Fletcher leadership. A member of each class will give brief remarks.
Where: Blakeley Courtyard.
Who: Members of the classes of 2020 and 2021, guests, Fletcher leadership, and faculty.
7:30 am Class of 2022 Champagne Breakfast and Toasts
What: Continental Breakfast and Champagne Toasts offered by four members of the Class of 2022.
Where: Blakeley Courtyard.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022 who will be marching.
8:30 am Phase I Academic Procession
What: Goddard Chapel bells ring at 8:45am to signal start of the all-University ceremony.
Where: Blakeley Courtyard.
Who: All members of the Class of 2022 who will be marching.
9:00 am Phase I, 166th All-University Commencement Ceremony
What: This ceremony includes the academic processional, the awarding of honorary degrees, the all-University Commencement address, the awarding of degrees by Schools, including the official award of the Fletcher degree by Dean Kyte.
Where: Academic Quad (the Lawn between Ballou and Bendetson Halls).
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
9:30 am PhD Breakfast
What: Opportunity for PhD recipients to celebrate their achievement with family.
Where: Cabot 703.
Who: PhD recipients and their family and friends.
Phase II Academic Procession
What: Academic procession for Phase II.
Where: Students line up in the Blakeley Courtyard. Platform party and faculty line up on the Mugar Walkway.
Who: Platform party, faculty, and all members of the Class of 2022 who will be marching.
11:30 am Phase II, 89th Fletcher School Commencement Ceremony*
What: The highlight of commencement weekend is the individual presentation of degrees to students and hooding of PhD recipients. The event will be live-streamed.
Where: Ceremony Tent – Fletcher field.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
The program order of events:
- Entrance processional
- Dean’s welcome
- Administrator of the Year Award
- Presentation of the James L. Paddock Teaching Award
- Faculty address by the recipient of the James L. Paddock Teaching Award
- Class of 2022 by two members of the Class of 2022
- Presentation of diplomas to the Class of 2022
- Doctoral Hooding
- Closing Remarks
- Recessional
1:00 pm (approx.) Fletcher Commencement Reception
What: A celebratory conclusion to the weekend.
Where: Reception Tent - Fletcher Field.
Who: All members of the Fletcher Community.
*The Class of 2022 includes both graduating students who will march and receive degrees and those who are members of the class but who have not yet completed all degree requirements. Members of the Class of 2022 who will not receive degrees are still encouraged to participate in the Saturday Class Day ceremony, as well as the all-University Commencement (Phase I) on Sunday morning. During Phase II, Fletcher School Commencement (11:30 am on Sunday), only those who will be receiving their degree or have permission are able to march. Masters students on approved extension or continuation may have permission to march without completing all degree requirements.
All degree recipients are expected to be attired in appropriate academic robes for both Sunday ceremonies (Phase I and Phase II).
Ph.D. recipients should be attired in academic robes to receive their doctoral hoods. The Ph.D. hoods will be provided by the school, and recipients will be “hooded” at The Fletcher School’s Sunday Commencement ceremony. If a Ph.D. recipient wishes to purchase a Ph.D. cap and gown, these will be available for $75.00 from the Tufts bookstore beginning April 1. If a Ph.D. recipient wishes to purchase custom Tufts blue and brown PhD Regalia, these will be available for $734.05 (for the gown only) and $96.60 (for the tam and tassle only). To order the custom regalia, you must place your order by March 21 through the Tufts bookstore in person. Orders will not be accepted over the phone. For those who are unable to go to the Tufts Bookstore, they can order directly through the Herff Jones website, available here.
Caps, gowns, and hoods for master’s recipients will be available for purchase beginning April 1 at the Bookstore. Graduates should wear all three items. Pricing will be as follows: cap, gown, tassel, and hood $105.98; cap, gown, and tassel $63.00; hood only $44.00. Again, students must go to the Tufts bookstore in person to order caps, gowns, and hoods. Orders will not be accepted over the phone For those who are unable to go to the Tufts Bookstore, they can order directly through the Herff Jones website, available here.
Rentals will also be available at the bookstore. The prices will be as follows: Master’s cap, gown, tassel, and hood $88.98; Master’s cap, gown, and tassel $49.98; Master’s gown $32.98; Master’s hood $39.98; Master’s cap and tassel $15.98. Also, Ph.D. cap, gown, and tassel $55.98; Ph.D. gown $38.98, and Ph.D. cap and tassel $45.98. The deadline to order rentals is April 11th.
If you have any questions on ordering your academic robes, please contact the Tufts University Bookstore at 617-627-5292. The hours of operation are Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm ET and Friday, 9am-4pm ET.
We understand, that for some students, purchasing graduation regalia can be cost prohibitive. Thanks to the generosity of former students, the Office of Student Affairs has a limited supply of caps, gowns, and hoods to loan out for this graduation season. Student Affairs will send a note to the student body in early April with details on how to borrow regalia. The items will be offered on a first come, first serve basis. Because we have a limited supply, we ask that only students who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford regalia contact Student Affairs about borrowing.
Because hotel and motel space in the Boston area is at a premium this time of year, we urge you to make your reservations as soon as possible if not already arranged. We have secured room blocks at the following hotels. If you choose to stay at a hotel not listed on the website, please inquire if they offer special Tufts rates.
The University’s Conference Bureau will provide on-campus dormitory housing. This year’s rates are $85.00 per night for a single and $105.00 per night for a double. On campus housing includes a complimentary full menu breakfast in the dining halls following each night of your stay. Reservations for on-campus housing can only be made via online registration beginning March 2 at the On-campus Housing website here. All reservations must be received by 5:00pm on April 30. If an online cancellation is received before 5:00pm on April 30, a full refund will be made, minus a 10% processing fee. There will be no refunds after 5:00pm on April 30.
Given the large number of visitors to campus on commencement day, parking will be scarce. Parking in all university lots will be on a first come, first-serve basis so early arrival is recommended. Parking will be available in the parking lot across from Cousens Gym, the Stearns Village lot between Cousens and Eliot-Pearson, and in the Dowling Hall parking garage on Boston Avenue. Shuttle service will be available from College Avenue to the Commencement site from 7:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m.
If you have any questions about commencement weekend, please do not hesitate to contact Shelley Adams at 617-627-3085 or shelley.adams@tufts.edu. We look forward to seeing you and your family and guests during the weekend.
Media questions should be sent to Katie Coleman. katie.coleman@tufts.edu
Visitors attending events on campus are required to be vaccinated and boosted (if eligible) and may be asked to show proof of vaccination or proof of a medical/religious exemption. We hope that all guests will understand and embrace these guidelines in the spirit of Tufts' values as a caring community and one that believes strongly in civic responsibility.
Masking indoors is required, including at events and in classrooms except when alone, or when eating or drinking (through May 31).
Testing prior to coming to campus is not required, however (from May 15 to May 27) visitors to campus may pick up an antigen test 62R Talbot Ave., 7am to 6pm, 7 days a week. A small number of spaces will be available at that location for those that need an area to take the test. A small number of tests will also be available at the front desk in the Hall of Flags (160 Packard Ave.) during Commencement weekend activities (May 20 – 22).
If you have guests who need special accommodations for The Fletcher Class Day or Fletcher Commencement ceremonies (e.g., use of wheelchairs), arrangements can be made for their seating. Information regarding accommodations for the Tufts campus and the All-University Commencement Ceremony may be found here.