From Scholar to Strategist: In Defense and Public Service

Pamela Berkowsky

Pamela Berkowsky F88

Driven by a fascination with public diplomacy, Pamela was initially drawn to The Fletcher School because of her interest in the Edward R. Murrow Center for Public Diplomacy. As an undergraduate at Princeton, she studied public policy and the nuances of diplomatic history, culminating in a thesis that juxtaposed America's educational and cultural engagement in Central America during the 1930s with contemporary efforts analyzed through the lens of the Reagan era Kissinger Commission. Her decision to join Fletcher was fortified by her determination to delve deeper into these critical issues.

Mentorship and Exploration

Under the mentorship of Professor Hewson Ryan, a luminary in the field of public diplomacy, Pamela's academic pursuits flourished. Collaborating with the Murrow Center, she played a pivotal role in orchestrating a tele-summitry conference, fostering global dialogue on pressing Cold War diplomatic challenges. Additionally, her involvement in a groundbreaking oral history project, led by Professors Richard Shultz and Robert Pfaltzgraff, gave her exposure to key figures from the Soviet bloc and U.S. policymakers, providing invaluable insights into international relations.

Navigating Career Pathways

While initially drawn to a career in the U.S. Foreign Service, Pamela's experiences at Fletcher led her to reassess her ambitions. Recognizing her passion for policy-making, she set out on a career journey that spanned federal and state government spheres. Joining the Presidential Management Fellows Program, she began a more than decade-long tenure at the Pentagon which spanned three Presidential administrations and culminated with her service as Assistant Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, where she dealt with pivotal matters of national security and policy formulation. 

Transitioning to state government, Pamela assumed the role of Deputy Chief and then Chief of Staff to the Governor of the United States Virgin Islands, where she continued to shape policy and governance. Subsequently, she founded Blue Sapphire Strategies, a consultancy renowned for its strategic counsel across diverse sectors, displaying Pamela's versatility and leadership acumen.

Throughout her journey, Pamela reflects fondly on her time at The Fletcher School as a crucible of learning and networking. “It is very rare that I go to a place where I don’t have a Fletcher friend and don’t have the opportunity to reconnect. Those relationships, both professional and personal, are very much a part of my life.”