Fostering Connections: From Public Service to Shaping Perspectives

Leland Lazarus

Leland Lazarus, F16

Leland Lazarus was drawn to The Fletcher School due to its reputation for fostering a strong sense of community. As a Thomas R. Pickering graduate fellow with aspirations of becoming a U.S. Foreign Service Officer, he saw Fletcher as the ideal environment to cultivate his skills and values. Leland was particularly struck by the school's commitment to creating a tight-knit community where students could form lasting personal and professional bonds—a quality that set Fletcher apart from other institutions.

Continued Connections: The Fletcher Family

Reflecting on his career, Leland observes that the sense of community he experienced at Fletcher remains as strong as ever. He fondly recalls the mentorship provided by professors and the unexpected connections he forged with fellow alumni in his professional life. One memorable encounter occurred during a meeting in China, where Leland discovered that his counterpart from another U.S. agency was a former classmate. Their shared Fletcher experience served as a powerful bond, transcending time zones and professional roles.

Expanding Horizons: Enriching Experiences

While at Fletcher, Leland participated in a diverse array of activities, clubs, and extracurriculars. From international trips to simulations and exercises, he found that these experiences challenged and broadened his perspectives. Trips like the Israel-Palestine trek provided valuable insights into complex geopolitical issues, while activities such as crisis simulations encouraged him to approach problems from different angles. Reflecting on these experiences, Leland acknowledges their enduring impact on his thinking and decision-making, even to this day.

Among his many experiences at Fletcher, Leland cherishes his involvement with the Fletcheros, the school's long-running cover band. Performing with the band not only provided an opportunity to showcase his musical talents but also fostered meaningful friendships that endure to this day.

Charting New Territories: A Career in National Security

Today, Leland serves as the Associate Director of National Security at Florida International University's Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy. An expert in China-Latin America relations, he brings a wealth of experience from his tenure in the U.S. public sector, including roles as a Special Assistant and Speechwriter to the Commander of U.S. Southern Command and as a State Department Foreign Service Officer.

Leland’s expertise extends beyond the confines of academia and government, with his articles and commentary published in esteemed platforms such as The Washington Post, Foreign Policy Magazine, TedX, and The Diplomat. His outstanding contributions have earned him several prestigious awards, including the Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award from the Defense Department and the Distinguished Honor Award from the State Department. He is also a nonresident fellow of the Atlantic Council Global China Hub, a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China relations, and a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Leland Lazarus's journey—from his formative years at Fletcher to his impactful career in national security—serves as a testament to the enduring power of community, camaraderie, and lifelong learning. As he continues to make his mark on the world stage, his story inspires others to embrace the connections that shape their paths and futures.