Forging Estonia's Diplomatic Identity

Marina Kaljurand

Marina Kaljurand F95

Marina Kaljurand was a pioneer in Estonia's diplomatic landscape following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Tasked with building a foreign service from scratch under the leadership of Estonia's first Foreign Minister, Lennart Meri, Marina and her peers embarked on an unforgettable journey. With no prior diplomatic or foreign relations education, they embraced the challenge of shaping Estonia's global identity in the post-Soviet era.

Seizing Educational Opportunities

Driven by a deep commitment to her country's sovereignty, Marina pursued further education in international relations, international law, and diplomacy. Inspired by a friend's journey to The Fletcher School to obtain a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD), Marina followed suit a year later on a Fulbright Scholarship, accompanied by her young daughter. At Fletcher, she delved into the intricacies of international treaties and found solace in the unwavering support of nations like the United States, which never recognized Estonia's occupation by the Soviets. Marina describes her time at Fletcher as transformative, filling crucial gaps in her education and providing valuable networking opportunities that would shape her diplomatic career.

Serving Estonia on the Global Stage

Following her tenure at Fletcher, Marina's diplomatic journey led her to a career with the United Nations General Assembly. Over the years, she served her country with distinction in various ambassadorial roles, including stints in Israel, Russia, and the United States. Drawing on her extensive experience and deep understanding of international affairs, Marina assumed the role of Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2015—a position she describes as the pinnacle of her career. Her unwavering dedication and vast network of connections facilitated her transition into leadership roles, allowing her to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes with finesse.

Standing with Ukraine

In 2019, Marina's commitment to diplomacy and humanitarianism led her to the European Parliament, where she continues to represent Estonia on the global stage. In the wake of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Marina's visit to Kyiv as one of the first foreign dignitaries symbolized Estonia's steadfast support for its allies in times of crisis. Alongside other European leaders, she offered solidarity and assistance to a nation in turmoil, embodying the values of diplomacy and solidarity that define her illustrious career.

Marina Kaljurand's journey—from the fledgling days of Estonia's foreign service to her current role as a Member of the European Parliament—stands as a testament to the power of resilience, education, and diplomatic leadership in shaping a nation's identity on the world stage. Her unwavering dedication to Estonia's sovereignty and her tireless advocacy for global cooperation continue to inspire generations of diplomats and citizens alike.