For Alumni

Fletcher’s 90th Anniversary Year

The global Fletcher Alumni community will celebrate nine decades of impact beginning in September 2023. Alumni are invited to visit the 90th anniversary microsite to read about the anniversary activities and to share their story via a story submission portal page. We look forward to your participation and to celebrating with you.


A global network, a world of support

people talking

Fletcher graduates tackle the world’s greatest challenges to do good and create meaningful change. We believe that going far means going together. 

As a Fletcher alum, you’re part of a vast, global alumni network with ongoing access to career support and connections that last a lifetime.

Attend an event

Interested in sharing or planning an event? Reach out to

Get involved


Anita Nham, Associate Director of Alumni Engagement 

Anita works closely with class secretaries, reunion volunteers, and Fletcher club leaders in more than 80 countries around the world. She organizes a variety of alumni events, such as the Washington, D.C. and New York career treks, London SymposiumTalloires SymposiumAlumni Weekend, and student-alumni networking events.